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Lawn Care

Turfology Lawn care services

Turfology Lawn care services is customized so that your lawn gets exactly what it needs when it needs it.


Fertilization and weed management

Designed to fit your lawn’s current needs and easily tailored to your budget, we have 3 subscription Programs to choose from. Each of these programs utilizes the best available products and industry standard best application practices by certified and licensed technicians to ensure your lawn is getting exactly what it needs, when it needs it.

Aeration and Overseeding

Is your lawn looking thin or bare in places? What your yard needs is aeration and seeding to help it breathe again and absorb the proper nutrients. Our services transform your colorless, thatch-laden lawn into the lush, green turf that will be turning heads all year long. Throughout the year, your lawn can become more compacted from regular use.

Fungus and Disease Management

Grass can catch diseases when the environmental conditions are right for them to develop. If you notice dead areas in your lawn, grass blades with spots of different colors, slimy texture, or colored dust that rubs off on shoes, clothing, or onto your pets, you are probably dealing with a lawn disease.

Lawn Renovations

A Midwest lawn renovation typically involves improving the appearance, health, and functionality of a lawn by addressing a variety of issues that may be present. The specific steps involved in a lawn renovation can vary depending on the condition of the lawn, the desired outcome, and other factors. However, some common steps that are often included in a Midwest lawn renovation

Soil PH and Analysis

Soil testing and analysis is one of the most fundamental practices at Turfology. It involves us pulling core samples from around your lawn and sending them off to a lab to be tested for soil pH, available nutrients, percentage of organic matter which will help us determine what needs to be altered in your program to provide optimal growing conditions for your turf.

Mole Control

Moles can be a common problem in the Midwest, and there are several common methods used for mole control. Trapping is the most effective and humane way to control moles. Repellents are several natural and chemical repellents available that are designed to deter moles from entering your yard.