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Fungus and Disease Management

Brief Summary

Fungus and Disease Management

Grass can catch diseases when the environmental conditions are right for them to develop. If you notice dead areas in your lawn, grass blades with spots of different colors, slimy texture, or colored dust that rubs off on shoes, clothing, or onto your pets, you are probably dealing with a lawn disease. Preventative cultural practices is always the best strategy to help prevent diseases from developing but if they do develop, fungicides might be the only option you have to stop or slow down the Fungus and Disease.


Aeration and Over-Seeding

Aeration and Over-Seeding

Aeration and Over-Seeding

Detailed Summary

Grass can catch diseases, just like any other living organism which are typically caused by fungi. Naturally, lawns are full of fungi and spores and the right conditions can cause grass fungus to quickly develop into a harmful disease. After Identifying which type of disease your turf is suffering from, and decide that fungicides are necessary to control the disease. We would apply a curative fungicide that targets that certain fungal disease for your specific turf type. If your lawn has a history of fungal disease, it is easier to control the fungal diseases with preventative fungicides, for your turf will be able to fend off fungal infections when conditions become favorable for fungal diseases.

Preventative Fungicides

If you know you have had history with a certain type of fungal disease with your turf type, we can apply a proper preventative fungicide to help prevent that disease from attacking your turf right before those conditions become favorable for pathogen development. For example, if you have turf type tall fescue, and it is starting to get hot and humid out, with day and nighttime temperatures on the rise, with heavy rainfall in the forecast, you are now approaching favorable environmental conditions for brown patch. If you know you have a history of brown patch during these conditions, it is wise to apply the proper preventative fungicides to help protect your turf from the pathogens during times that are favorable for the pathogen to develop.

Curative fungicides

If you have not had history with fungal disease in the past and are noticing an unusual new disease in your lawn is when we will have to identify and apply a proper curative fungicide to the affected turf. Curative fungicides don’t necessarily repair the already damaged turf but it does stop or significantly slow the disease and damage from spreading anymore. For example if you unexpectedly get gray leaf spot, we would apply a curative fungicide to the affected turf to prevent the spots (the disease) from spreading and overtaking the entire tissue of the plant and saving it.

frequently asked question

Do you have any Questions?

Below you’ll find answers to some of the frequently asked questions. We Constantly adding most frequently asked question to this page.

1. What are common lawn diseases in the Metro East Area?

The most common types of fungal diseases in our area include brown patch, dollar spot, gray leaf spot, large patch, pythium blight, red thread, and rust.

2. How should I water my lawn to prevent disease development?

Always water your lawn in the early morning, which will allow the grass blades to dry out during the day. Watering in the evening or at night encourages disease, because of excess moisture that remains on the grass blades, combined with hot night temperatures will aid disease development.

3. Do I need to change my mowing habits to prevent disease?

Always mow at the correct height and frequency to help prevent excess thatch build up, along with always mowing with sharp mower blades.

4. Will improper fertility help diseases to develop?

Yes, when dealing with diseases year after year, it is best to have a soil test done to see what nutrients your lawn needs or has an excess of so we can alter your program accordingly and apply what is needed to provide optimal growing conditions.

5. Will the lawn recover from fungal disease damage?

Depending on the severity of the disease and which type it is, most lawns will require reseeding to thicken the lawn back up to where it was before. However if caught early enough and if controlled the lawn will recover.

6. Does the turf type matter when it comes to diseases?

Yes, All turf types are more and less susceptible to certain diseases, this is important to know when seeding your lawn. When dealing with turf type tall fescue especially it is important to seed with different variances of tall fescue, for some variants are more susceptible to one disease than another.

7. Does aeration and overseeding help with preventing disease?

Yes, it helps loosen the soil and break down thatch, which will improve the health of your lawn, and the healthier the lawn the more resilient it is against diseases.